Crazy love of loombands

When I've seen these colourful bands in Instagram, I instantly browse these hashtags #loombands #rainbowlooms #loombracelets and found lots of beautiful designs of bracelets, rings, necklace, charms, headbands, etc made of loom bands. I immediately search where I could buy a kit so I could learn how to make one for myself. When I told my nieces Kyla and Mj about this new trend color bands, they already know about it but doesn't know how to make it. So when I got my own do it yourself DIY kit and ordered other colorful bands, we started to watch youtube tutorials and pinterest photos to inspire our creations. Then we come up an idea to sell our finished products. Here's some of our creations: Infinity Inverted Fishtail Fishtail Starburst Here's a share also of why my niece lo ve loombands Kyla, Mj, and Mikaela A Message from a young kidpreneur Kyla Masendo: "Loom bands is so comfortable to wear even when your at home, at school, ...